We make every effort to guarantee that the content is current and accurate. Nevertheless, the data and services (including those of third parties) are offered “as is,” meaning that no representations or endorsements are made, and there are no warranties of any kind.
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Information provided on this website is:
- not meant to address the unique circumstances of any one person, group, or organisation
- not all-inclusive, flawless, precise, or current
- linked to external websites that we have no control over and for which we take no responsibility.
- is not meant to be formal, professional, or legal advice; instead, if you need specific guidance, contact a certified professional.
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If you have any concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us through any of the means listed below.
- 20 Cow Green, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 1HX
- 020 8242 6198
- info@embracewellness.co.uk